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Who's Visiting? What Wants to Be Heard?

Video of Our Workshop on Imaginal Dialogues

I feel immensely grateful for the community forming through this newsletter. When we gather, I am reminded that we could, as a society, meet in a very different way than what is modeled by the dominant culture. In a way that is so much more rewarding and nourishing. Yesterday’s workshop was no exception.

A Workshop Recap:

  • A short history of “imaginal” work and its connection to active imagination.

  • An argument for how engagement with the unconscious is connected to social justice work.

  • A distinction of the goals and intentions of active imagination as separate from:

    • Mindfulness Meditation

    • Classic Dreamwork

  • A short reading from Mary Watkins’ book Invisible Guests and Rumi’s poem, The Guest House.

  • An introduction to two exercises in imaginal dialogue that can be done alone with your journal and a pen.

    • Seeing Self as other

    • Seeing an arrival as other — who’s visiting?

  • Beautiful community sharing.

Paid subscribers* have full access to the video above, and free subscribers will see a preview and can upgrade anytime to watch the recording, join this community, and participate in the last two workshops of 2024 (and beyond…).

*As always, if you’re drawn to participate but finances prohibit a paid subscription, please reply to this email or send me a note at satyadoylebyock[@] — I don’t ask for any kind of explanation (just your honesty), and these emails go directly to me.

Our Final Paid Subscriber Workshops for 2024:

  • December 8th, 10-11:30am PST — a special 90-minute winter retreat. Register here.

  • December 29th, 10-12pm PST — an end-of-year ritual with The I Ching and the brilliant

    . Register here.

Videos from Past Workshops:

I’ve created a new workshop-specific page where you can see past topics from this year and their recordings.

Scroll through old posts and find the video replays at the bottom of most pages. Paid subscribers have complete access.

This post is for paid subscribers