Jul 5, 2023Liked by Satya Doyle Byock

This email was the third piece in a situation of synchronicity involving two significant people who had entered/re-entered my life recently. Everything about this text made sense to me, but particularly the part ACCEPT... I had been feeling anxious about not being able to attain something I really wanted, a connection or friendship with some people I felt were REALLY my people but who were an existing group and I was a newcomer or outsider. I felt like I couldn't possibly really belong. But reading the Accept part gave me courage. And it lead me to accept invitations to join them, then to speak up to say that I'd like to join their plan (which they were very pleased to welcome me to), and then later on, to be the one to invite them.

Alas, life has already begun to scatter this small group which found itself in the same geographical location only briefly. There are few friendships I've hoped for with such clarity about wanting them, but I stand here feeling, surprisingly, more inclined towards hoping with confidence that the geographical separation isn't the end rather than resorting to a default of managing my expectations with preemptive disappointment of how reality is more likely to pan out.

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Love this. Thank you so much for sharing.

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Satya Doyle Byock

I can tell this will be a great exercise because even as I just read, the Accepting step really took me back. Do you have any tips on finding people to long/envy if you don't have anyone in mind? Also, is it useful to have a local person you envy, like a friend, and maybe more of an idol envy, like a renowned author?

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The goal is really to let your unconscious do the work with Noticing. Even if it takes a month or a year! Just be a conscious witness to feelings of envy or longing (positive or negative) that you feel about others. It's really about sort of building a stronger awareness of our own unconscious and letting it be a guide for our lives. So first thing is be incredibly patient. It may be that there is no one right now, and that's great! But when you notice those other feelings show up, you can use them to help point you in the right direction.

As for local people versus someone famous, don't worry about that. Their proximity to you isn't relevant, it's what your soul sees reflected in them that is of importance. Dead, alive, famous, friend. They're all available as mirrors. Good luck!

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