Thank you for writing and sharing. Still in the process of trusting the call and the subsequent fall of questioning everything I have ever known LOL. Appreciate your guidance every day!

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Finally sat down to read this! Grateful everyday for heeding that call. xx

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Sep 1, 2023Liked by Satya Doyle Byock

This is so beautiful. I'm in that place right now; However, I am not always conscious of it and instead, I feel like I have to explain why I'm doing what I'm doing to others and worrying something is "wrong" with my needs. I'm older than a quarterlifer and my life looks VERY different from that of my peers (in a general sense for an average East Coast American). A lot of that is due to an unexpected loss a few years ago and the rest is just me! But this was a beautiful reminder to listen to my internal needs and ignore those "rational" thoughts trying to constrict me into a more culturally palatable life. Thank you ❤️

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Aug 31, 2023Liked by Satya Doyle Byock

Beautiful and encouraging words, Satya. Trusting that internal call is so, SO hard, especially when the world is screaming at you that it might be the wrong choice. But the only way to know is to start taking the first difficult steps. I wish I could go back and encourage my younger self (at so many stages, up until just a few years ago!) when she was so terrified and unsure. Do it. Try it. Follow what feels right deep inside, even if it's murky waters and you're not sure of your path.

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