Hi Satya,

I really enjoy being subscribed to your newsletters. Thank you so much for all the thoughtful care you put into them. I have a personal question as a quarter-lifer: trying to navigate health and career.

I'm in my late twenties and much of my life feels like it's going alright. I'm in a relationship that, albeit codependent at times, feels very supportive and communicative. My relationship with my family is decent, and now that I live near my hometown again for the first time in 10 years, I'm enjoying their company a few times per week. I have many hobbies and play outside a lot. Through lots of therapy I've committed to regularly seeking " play" through recreation and time with friends.

My career feels nebulous and uncertain. Throughout my childhood schooling, I had this strange sense that I was " meant to do something big" here on earth- some grandiose career of service towards helping the environment. I never had a clear idea of what/how that would look like, but it's a bit of a haunted feeling that I'm not fully using my privilege and gifts to my fullest potential.

My early twenties were spent in a total health crisis while also trying to be fully independent as an adult. So much of my time and especially money was put towards out-of-pocket health care with various nutritionists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, etc, which took almost all my meager financial resources. Simultaneously, my "career" was really any job I could physically manage without going into huge inflammatory flares. Ideallic farm-work in the Rocky Mountains slowly transformed into depressing admin jobs at small nonprofits; all I could handle when my health was in its worst. I'm still at the same work-from-home nonprofit job, one that I took because I couldn't stand much else at the time.

Now I'm at a crossroads. I feel strong enough to try something new, but not quite healthy enough to take on something as stressful as grad school. My current job is in the solar industry at a nonprofit, and I try to remember that my role is one piece of the puzzle towards a world powered by renewables, but is this all there is? Is this all I came here to do? I have this gnawing feeling that there's big work to be doing, but I am having a hard time understanding what that is or where to start.

I'm trying to understand how my values and creativity can become cohesive with a real-world job. Specifically, how do I uncover this big sense I have that I came here to do more? (not more as in more stress, more hustle, but just something very meaningful and impactful).

Thanks so much for reading. I deeply appreciate you!


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Jun 9Liked by Satya Doyle Byock

Definitely join

Which book of C.G Jung is best for a beginner student ? , any podcast, any lecture series on his books and works with simply explained please suggest

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I never know entirely where to send people with this question. There's a lot of wonderful books out there, but not one single one. This is why, when I teach, I draw from a wide range of sources. I like this book -- it's much deeper than it originally seems: https://amzn.to/3RlPHa7

This one is great too: https://amzn.to/3z0e8U6

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Thank you 😊

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