Wow! This was incredible!

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The Seed keeper really speaks to me, but I'm playing with an extension of that, which I think I will call the Gardener. It is one thing to store the seeds away for a better future, but I'm feeling we must be willing to plant seeds now. Watching shows like Gardener's World I've learned that in any packet of seeds, many fail. But then there are the ones that do not fail and the beauty that ensues when they flower and grow when tended by the gardener. Yes, I think the Gardener.

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Love this idea, its is very inspiring , thank you. I need to cogitate on the different Archetypes and what they offer, so much delicious food for thought .

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For me, Leader, Writer, Artist, Prophet. All of those sound like epic responsibilities, but I love how archetypes help us see ourselves through the realm of mythology. Using narrative to carve spaces for imagination to inhabit and play within, beyond the limits of what we might believe is possible for ourselves.

Here is a project I helped steward that also talks about some archetypes that overlap with what you've described: https://www.earthwise.global/the-5-future-archetypes

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Satya - your archetypal roles made me pause to reflect on my role in society. I find myself trying to fit into predefined boxes and struggling with labels, as I want to believe I am more than just my societal persona. Yet, we often need a starting point, much like with the Myers-Briggs. What do I do well without trying, and what is the opposite and challenging role? What am I naturally good at, and what role challenges me? I tend to want to control this process, so I choose to surrender it. When I seek responses through synchronicity, I will turn to Jung’s Red Book, and today synchronicity led me to Jung’s archetypal magician. If an archetype is a universal, a priori energy that serves as an organizing principle, it eventually takes on a life of its own.

What is my ideal role during this time of resistance? What is this moment asking of me? It feels like the unconscious magician is guiding me to let go of all reasoning and trust in the unknown. I am reflecting on what would a change of my perspective look like? I read from an analyst/artist about radical juxtaposition, so I am playing more with collage. The magician encourages me to lead with courage, step outside of my comfort zone, and acknowledge the shadow of resistance. This is entering the tension of opposites and finding inner acceptance as a liberating concept, especially during a period marked by death and regeneration.

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Thank you for these thoughts. It felt very helpful to me this week.

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Hi! Just FYI, I reposted to notes and someone suggested you might consider adding the martyr (Luigi Mangione) and the revolutionary actor (Che Guevara) to your expanding list of archetypes. Just thought I'd pass along! :)

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a friend of many years came to visit last week and though ( maybe because?) she's endured struggles of health, aging, finances, her energy & presence was fresh, grounded, fun. She's inhabiting her life in a way that left me feeling inspired. There's that power and grace of authenticity that uplifts. Wonder what to call the archetype of simply living into ones truth, one's beauty?

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Thank you! This was really so helpful and moving and encouraging!

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I like thinking about these ones too

1. The outlier/rebel/one who questions/ruffles feathers during pivotal moments of apparent group consensus

2. The cautionary one

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mmm I loved reading this. Thank you

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A beautiful reminder that resistance doesn't only come from the warrior archetype. We can be our soft, tender, and gentle selves and still resist just as strongly and emphatically.

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For a long time I felt limited by the notion that I’m either a front line activist and organizer or I’m not participating in the important causes I care so deeply about. You’ve helped expand my perspective on the various ways we can show up.

I resonate with many: the Healer, the Neighbor, the Cook, the Wisdom Keeper, the Underground Guide, the Seed Keeper, the Soul Tender, and a few others.

The Lovers who bring pleasure and delight to each other and hold one another through the long cold nights in decidedly unsexy times. The Dreamers/Visionaries who see a more beautiful world that is possible and keep that vision alive even as it all seems to be burning down. And The Brave Parent/Grandparent who choses to still make life or tend and raise life even in the midst of the world seeming like it’s crumbling might be a few extra resistance archetypes I’d add to your beautiful list❤️

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I love this so much, thank you for sharing! I’m a connector, not sure where it fits but it feels good to have a purpose each day

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This reminded me of Deepa Iyer’s work — would be wonderful to connect with her as this idea of an ecosystem of archetypes definitely aligns!

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Thank you so much for exploring the archetypes of resistance. So helpful.

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